1.1 "Owner" shall mean the owner or any person (or persons) that agree herein to be liable for the debts of the owner on a principal debtor basis.
1.2 The payment schedule will be stated on the Credit Application Form. If no time schedule is stated then payment shall be required within 3 months of the date of services provided.
2.1 Interest on overdue invoices shall accrue from the date when payment becomes due, daily, until the date of full payment, at a rate of 2.5% per calendar month and such interest shall compound monthly at such a rate after as well as before any judgement.
2.2 In the event that the Owner's payment is dishonored for any reason, the owner shall be liable for any dishonor fees incurred by CareVets.
2.3 If the Owner defaults in payment when due, the Owner shall indemnify CareVets from and against all costs and disbursements including solicitors fees and any costs of collection incurred by CareVets.
2.4 If an account remains overdue after thirty (30) days then an amount of $100 shall be levied for administration fees, which shall become immediately due and payable.
2.5 If at any time the Owner is in breach of any payment obligation, CareVets may suspend or terminate the supply of professional services to the Owner, excepting relief from pain and suffering. CareVets will not be liable to the Owner for any loss or damage the Owner suffers because CareVets exercised these rights.
3.1 The Owner and the Guarantor/s (if separate to the Owner) authorizes CareVets to :
(a) Collect, retain and use any information about the Owner and/or Guarantors, for the purpose of assessing the Owner's and/or Guarantor/s creditworthiness.
(b) Disclose information about the Owner and/or Guarantor, whether collected by CareVets from the Owner and/or Guarantor directly or obtained by CareVets from any other source, to any other credit provider or any credit reporting agency for the purposes of providing or obtaining a credit reference, debt collection or notifying a default by the Owner and/or Guarantor.
3.2 The Owner and/or Guarantor shall have the right to request from CareVets a copy of the information about the Owner and/or Guarantor retained by CareVets and the right to request CareVets to correct any incorrect information about the Owner and/or Guarantors held.